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Stephanie Grantham

Superstar Consultant


My Story

I was first introduced to Scentsy in early 2011 when my niece asked me to host her first home party. From my very first warmer (Limestone) and my very first scent bar (Mulberry Bush) I was hooked! I began my own Scentsy journey in August 2011 as a way to help offset school expenses for my girls. They are both married now and our first grandbaby is on his way! I am so looking forward to spoiling him through my monthly commission checks!
I love the fact that Scentsy encourages us to build our businesses and give back to our communities at the same time. They are always offering amazing incentive trips and offering trainings that we can use both in our business and personal lives. If becoming part of a global family, while bringing warmth and beauty to others while also earning an extra paycheck sounds interesting to you, contact me and let me answer your questions and get you started!                                                  

What's warming in my home